APRS Simulated Emergency Test Message WEB Page 18 Aug 2009 ===================================================================== We need a Message Engine for SET's ( Simulated Emergency Tests). It is an automated Message Server that simply acknowledges the receipt of incoming messages, makes them available withing the ARRL Section organization and then is able to SUMMARIZE statistics on such emails on a web page. For Example: We should be able to ask ALL hams during any COMMS test to try to send a SET test message from his radio. Of course, that can be done by anyone by sending an APRS email to himself, but then we have no way of collecting the degree of success of that evolution, either locally, Section-wide or globally. This SET-TEST ENGINE would simply have a web page that reports incoming statistics and lists all incoming traffic). EXAMPLE: An APRS message to "SET-MDC" would be added to the Maryland - DC section list on the SET message web page. ANyone could check the page for counts or even read the messages. Remember when we had PCSAT-1, the ISS, and GO-32 all operating APRS, we had set up a special web page to encourage all AMSAT operators to learn how to send an APRS message to EMAIL. We want to do that again this year, but there are no reliable working satelites anymore for APRS. But we could tell ALL hams to learn how to send an APRS message for such an exercise. OK, here is the idea in a nutshell.. The SET Message Engine does the following: 1) Wwatches the APRS-IS for any message to SET-xxxxx 2) Sends back an APRS ack 3) Has a main WEB page to LIST message statistics and 71 links 4) One page for each of the 71 ARRL Sections (MDC for example) 5) Every message to SET-MDC goes to the MDC page. 6) The main page has FOUR columns of numbers for each section - one shows the messages in the last hour - another one shows messages in the last 4 hours - th ethird one shows messages in the last 24 hours - the 4th one shows messages in the last 7 days The idea for this SET Messge engine is summarized as follows: 1) Using this for easy MESSAGE testing and all can see results 2) Use it for real, for capturing local situatin message traffic. Bob, WB4APR