Links to APRS State and Regional Info

Bob Bruninga, WB4APR

APRS, The Big Picture: . APRS is not just vehicle tracking. . It was designed to be a resource for the local and traveling ham to show him surrounding local information of immediate value. . Not only does this mean having all digipeaters and the local reccomended voice frequency show up, but other information as well. . This page attempts to link you, the potential traveler, to APRS information in your region.

Updated 9 Oct 2019 (first time since July 2008, to update New Mexico!)

New Mexico. . . . . . Possibly the best organized APRS network in the country
Pacific Northwest. . Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Washington, Alberta, British Columbia, Northwest Territories
California and Nevada email reflector
Montana (in addition to the PNW site above)
Nebraska and Grand Island
Alabama (Kris Kirby, KE4AHR)

STATE APRS COORDINATORS: There are a number of folks who have stepped forward to volunteer to help coordinate APRS activities in each state or ARRL section, or country. . See list . And to see where all the APRS digipeaters are, WA8LMF has a great set of on line REgional APRS digipeater maps. . And of course, the APRS WIKI

RECOMMENDED REPEATER FREQUENCIES: . One good piece of local info, is the locally recommended voice repeater. . These frequency objects should show up on your APRS display to help out visitors. . The image below shows how these objects show up on the D700 and D710 radio displays. . See details.

CONCLUSION: APRS is great for the traveler. . On long trips, no matter where I am, I hope to see everything I need to know on my APRS screen. . A good state web page is a start. . A good group of volunteers helps. . And providing relevant information will help the rest of ham radio learn how resourceful APRS can be. . This combined with APRS Voice Alert will guarantee that if there is someone nearby wanting to chat, we will find each other.

Bob Bruninga, WB4APR